Create a reliable pre-shot routine! Consistency should start when you realize that positive results don't happen very often. Having a reliable pre-shot routine is essential for consistently better results. Your routine could be increasing the pressure you feel, so you're not performing up to your potential in your sport. My book will help you eliminate most pressure situations.
By having a good mental game!
Confidence only happens with time. It happens when your physical game and your mental game are compatible. The experienced players know HOW TO get past setbacks that happened and learn to focus going forward. Confidence should make competing more fun, and you should start seeing more positive outcomes.
By taking 31 days to read my book!
I will take you on an amazing journey to this place called the Zone. You'll start at the beginning and add to your experiences, so you'll be ready to compete. I'll tell you HOW TO be focused for competition so that distractions will be reduced. Decision making should help you have more fun and get you to "proform" in the Zone for GREAT results!
By realizing you want to see better results!
On August 29th, 2020, Dorrance Publishing sent me my printed HOW TO book.
HOW TO tell athletes ways to
reach their potential!
HOW TO reach their goals! HOW TO believe in themself!
HOW TO have GREAT results!
HOW TO get to the Zone! It's
up to you to drive, so your
trip will Elevate your
Reading my HOW TO book that actually tells athletes HOW TO compete!
Your 31 day trip to the ZONE is filled with potholes.
HOW TO be consistent?
HOW TO soar with eagles?
HOW TO avoid danger?
HOW TO handle the bumps?
HOW TO use your numbers?
It's the trip of a lifetime!
Click on the button below to see my Top 10 reasons why you should buy my book!
If your serious about competing in sports and improving as an athlete in any sport, $14 is a bargain to learn more about the mental game. You should read it so you'll know HOW TO have more fun, have a more positive mental state and gain more confidence from having more positive results happen more often. Good luck!
By donating to thank them for their service to the country
I am also a veteran and wants to help other veterans. I'm donating some proceeds from my HOW TO book to BVL. Some of the freedoms we have are due to veterans that served and defended our great way of life. During my time in the military, I was able to visit a relative overseas. I am able to have many memories while serving and showed several that I'm able to compete. I was sent home to bowl All Army trials in Arizona. Thanks to every veteran that served. Despite everything wrong with our country, there are too many good things to flush down the drain.
By knowing the facts of the 345 factors that determine who the best competitor is!
The 345 factors affecting outcomes will give you more than just hoping you win. Start winning by being prepared to compete in the zone. Continue work on physical game. My HOW TO book will take luck and "hope" out of the equation.
By having a GREAT HOW TO
book that actually will help
athletes Elevate their game!
Four of the testimonials for my book are from Hall of Famers. One is from my mental game coach and two helped me with my golf game. Their words meant a lot. J.T.L. started cashing on a regular basis, because of my HOW TO book!
Have a great photo album
so athletes will be motivated to collect their own awards!
These are just some of my awards and memorabilia. I need to take more HOW TO photos of my many awards I've won. My determination, confidence and persistence over 60 years has helped me take the hardware home. in two GREAT sports!
By wanting to help athletes
that need help and wants to improve!
I have Championships in two sports and also have perfection in both. I'm willing to show you HOW TO get to the Zone and also having fun while you're there. It's not magic, but it will take one month, and you won't regret your decision.
My "HOW TO" book is an amazing mental game curriculum to REPROGRAM your brain's thinking on a 31 day fast-track approach for better performance in any sport by using the mental game's "Fun"da-"Mental"s. To excel at any sport, both mental and physical games MUST be practiced. Most world class champions have a great mental game and why should amateurs be left out in the cold. It doesn't have to be that way! Give me 31 days to transform your game to have more fun, while seeing more positive results. Your brain is hesitant to accept change and with some work, you still have time to achieve some goals you've set for yourself. Your level of experience and embracing challenges should help you climb faster. Staying in your comfort zone can hold you back and paralyze your game. It's your turn to do a few GREAT things like I have done.
If you have a possitive attitude, challenge yourself, develop a routine and remain focused for what's ahead, you could reduce pressure while increasing your confidence during those "life or death" situations. Accept setbacks as learning experiences to be more knowledgeable in future situations, because I know that losing sucks and winning is lots more enjoyable. If you prefer to win and cash more consistently, my HOW TO books will take you on a path to better performances.
My HOW TO book was written to help all athletes like you, to have more fun enjoying their sport. I know I've enjoyed the competition much more because of having a great mental game. If I can do it, I feel like anyoone else can do it, if physical able to! A half hour each day for a month is a small price to pay for huge dividends after you finish my HOW TO book. Don't let competitors think you're an easy target. My HOW TO book tells you short cuts to avoid some situations. I also give you over 50 tips for your transformation to having a GREAT mental game. My knowledge in competing over 60 years in bowling and golf, while winning Championships and Leagues, is something I want other athletes to realize that they could do the same! Don't start with I just started competiting, all athletes regardless of the sport, needs to have a good mental game! After having a good mental game, read my Success book, so you can master your GREAT MENTAL GAME!
As always, SEE YOU IN THE ZONE!! -Mr.Stats
Going after major goals comes down to work and how bad do you want it?
Christine Wald-Hopkins reviewed my HOW TO book in the Arizona Daily Star. Excellence doesn't happen by mistake. It happens from your experiences and how you handle the results and learn from them. World class athletes are always trying to improve, but until you can get to the zone on a consistant basis, you'll have a harder time getting great results. "Excellence depends on mental discipline." This is the link to my review:
Discipline is a regiment that all GOATs go through. Even though you may not be the GOAT, is having a great performance on your bucket list? The more you visit the Zone, the better chance you'll have to create a masterpiece. The price of my book is less than an actual lesson and what you learn will last a lifetime.
The video on the right is from March 6, 2021. Bob O. took the video of my last shot shooting my 13th sanctioned 300 game. Austin O. had to resend so I could put it on my HOW TO website. You'll notice I get the job done stepping on the approach and delivering the ball just like the first shot of the game. JUST LIKE WHAT I DID IN PRACTICE!
JUST 300 WAYS to get excited!! Thanks Bob & Austin.
As always, SEE YOU IN THE ZONE!! -Mr. Stats
Sports is about being prepared, and my HOW TO book helps you be better prepared for what is down the road. $14 for the paperbackand $9 for the e-book are cheaper than lessons and are a small price to pay to improve your game.
(Search for Alan Brizee)
“Alan’s knowledge and wit is on full display in this incredible resource. The content of your website is fun and its breadth is absolutely astounding! I am humbled indeed by your kind references to me.” –Scott Washburn
(Check out Scott's Testimonial for my book.)
"I saw your website and thought it was terrific! Actuality after seeing it for the next 3 weeks, I was golfing much better; first place B flight twice and 2 weeks ago tied for first place for my golf club. I have taken 5 strokes off my handicap as well! Well done. I can’t wait to read the book!" –Bill B.
By reading what's in my mental section on my HOW TO website! It has some articles for quick fixes. But it is my HOW TO book that offers a permanent fix, so you can turn reoccuring negative outcomes into more positive solutions. These articles should decide that you want my book.
By Knowing what works because of your experience! Confidence is fragile and the biggest factor why Champions consistently win in their career. It's one reason why grand slams are hit in the bottom of the 9th inning, with 2 outs and down 3 runs. A pre-test will be required before classes start.
By wanting to see more consistent positive results! It's your motivation that will get you up in the morning. It's your motivation that will make compitition more rewarding. It's your motivation that will keep your goals within reach when going after them. It's your motivation that you could finally have a career night!
Start with throwing two 18 baggers!
Ken consistently showed why he was one of the local GREAT bowlers. He started and ended a set with an 18 bagger before he finally put them together to be named Mr. 900. Ken Hosp's Dedication to Excellence happened and I missed it. Find out why.
When your first adjustment, just didn't
work! When results start going in the oposite direction, adjustments will be the normal response. Depending on your sport, they may be big or small. It's not about if they are needed, but when they need to be made. This article should help.
By taking time to compete! It helps when competing to know your opponents. To satisfy my teammates, I wrote a guide to help them with characters that will appear when money is on the line. When this article helps you rake in money, I get 10% of your winnings.
By showing respect for what they did!
Being honored makes the work you put into any sport woth it. Roy Tietz honored me for my hard work doing the stats, promoting Tucson's biggest scratch league and for many achievements. It isn't the Hall of Fame, but it's still a honor.
By using the words in my unique Mr. Stats bowling dictionary! It's more like an encylopedia and a definite must read for bowlers!. This HOW TO website must have have a dictionary with 432 entries to give tribute to all who have made competing fun and and sometimes very profitable.
By knowing to look at my list of GREAT reads! I believe that knowing where to turn to find something to help your game is one good way to improve and have more fun. Info is on my HOW TO wewbsite. You won't need all the books listed, but one book should help, my HOW TO book.
By giving bowlers what they want! In a town several decades ago, it was a GREAT time when most appreiciated how I turned a league, that almost folded, into the Greatest league ever! My many promotions were second to none. You know the story of if you build it, they will come. Several bowlers still miss it.
Promoting can actually make you money! My promoting is why I helped a scratch league double in size. Why would you not promote the best league around? Most leagues won't do it due to the extra work and maybe the cost. Some promotions can be quick and easy. The travel brackets made the league unique.
By accepting the challenge of a travel league! You've heard of GREAT bowlers? Well, I have bowlers who competed in the GREATEST league in history as well as the GREATEST sweeper of any league in history, thanks to our GREAT sponsors! To be called a travel master was the reason you joined the Traveling Masters league.
Being inspired by GREAT athletes can help you go after your goals! When you finally
Commit to Excellence, you should be able to start a list of the GREAT accomplishments you'll achieve in your career!
One of the all-time greats, Norm Duke who was one of first two to win the Grand Slam, has given back to bowling by teaching others including me at various clinics. He is one reason I had success later in my career. His Commitment to Excellence got him in the Hall of Fame and why I feature him on my HOW TO website!
There could be too much info on my About webpage, but you should find something to help your game in whatever sport you participate in. Have fun, learn, experience all you can, so you can show them you really are!
See you in the Zone!
The Great Norm Duke who captured back-to-back titles for 40 after turning 50!
Once upon a time, when I was still learning while competiting in the early 80's, there were no mental books at the bookstore. Athletes at that time, didn't share about how the mental game could change your career. After seeing my mental coach, GREAT results happened!
The first book I remember about the mental game was Galloway's The Inner game of tennis. It was first published in 1982. This book led to the explosion of books showing how important the mental game really was. I learned a few things from his book and was rewarded!
Today, most mental books are written by PHD's. Some jump from one subject to another. I never found a book trying to build on what you already know and what to do next. I'm sure I may have the only self-help mental game book. It's time to show others the true value of what the mental game can do for athletes!
I want to help YOU avoid how my 60 year sports career occured. It happened by hit and miss and some was trial and error. Now that I'm retired, I want to help athletes who want the help to enjoy competing and see better results earlier in their career, than I had in mine. There's nothing like showing others, WHO YOU ARE! It wasn't until the late 1980's, that athletes really knew about the mental game. I want to ELEVATE your GAME by teaching you the mental game's "Fun"da"MENTAL"s. HAVING A GREAT "Mental" game and having "Fun" is really the ONLY way to see GREAT results! What you'll learn is on a fast track of 31 days to a magical place called the Zone! One lesson each day to build up your mental game and increase your knowledge so you'll start using in your sport. You'll build a better mental game into a GREAT mental game!
My huge HOW TO website has many HOW TO articles on it for instant help. If I wasn't interested in helping other athletes improve, I would have a lot smaller website without the articles. I'm now retired and wanted to give back to sports which have given me some GREAT experiences, mostly in bowling. My HOW TO website is filled with many pictures to motivate athletes who want help. After reading my articles and you still feel like you should be seeing better results, then my HOW TO book may be the help you need! The articles I have online aren't in my book and basically supplement what you will learn from my book.
After being SUCCESSFUL later in my sports career, I know that many athletes could benefit from my knowledge of the mental game.
Most of my major accomplishments happened over decades! Finding out why the mental game was so important for getting consistent results, helped me achieve some GREAT THINGS over my bowling career. The sooner you work on getting a good mental game, can you start having a GREAT MENTAL GAME! You're almost never too old to improve if you put in a little work, it's just when do you want to start showing others that you can compete with them!
After committing to Excellence in the late '80's, I have done things that only a few have ever done!
Keepng a logbook has helped me claim championships and having persistence also played a huge part in winning. It's about wanting to compete and have FUN doing it!
2014 Tucson Metro Senior Masters Champion - 244 average
2021 FIG Club Champion, golf (2nd time w/ 2018)
2003 Held TBA record sport pattern w/ 290 game & 12 bagger
1996 Held ABC record of 297 & 799 for 3 1/3 years before 300
1991 ABC Award of Merit (Germany - U.S. Army)
1990 PZBA Bowler of the Year (Germany - U.S. Army)
1994 Shot high series of 799 for 93-94 season at Tucson Bowl
1976 TBA City tournament - Doubles Champion
1996 Challenge tournament Champion - 12 gamer
1980 Sportsman tournament Champion (899 for 4 games)
1996 Green Valley Lanes Star of the Month
1989 Intramural High Average (202.6 Alabama - U.S. Army)
2017 Threw 23 strikes in a row (Summer at Golden Pin Lanes)
2015 Threw 22 strikes in a row, 280 & 300 (Camino Seco)
2006 Threw 17 strikes in a row (Show Low)
2022 Threw 12 strikes in a row & 9 in a row for 21 of 22 at 67
The reason why I wrote my book is to help any athlete that’s wants to upgrade their game. When I was six years old, I had two of my fingertips cut of in an accident which ended my baseball pitching career. I then tried golf and bowling. I had way more fun bowling. My average kept getting higher because I was consistent at hitting my target. At the end of junior leagues, I was averaging around 173. I would cash in three of the four events in most every city tournament until I averaged 189. I finally took a few lessons and it helped me to average 200. It seemed like I was stuck there because no one ever talked about the mental game. There were few books on it, and having a positive attitude only took me so far. I went to the bookstore and got a few books on the mental game.
After getting help for my mental game from these books, I was now averaging over 210. I never had more fun at bowling than I do now. Being over 210 helped me win more money in pot games as well as my team getting into the playoffs. Who would have thought that a book on tennis, would be a big help for bowling? As I continued to become better because of my mental game, the book stores started to stock mental game books. I now have over 200 books for various sports, books on the mental game, motivational books and inspirational books. I’d read only the chapters that would help my game. You can check out my library here.
Right after I retired, I realized that I had much of the book on my computer. While I was a secretary for the Traveling Masters league 20 years ago, I wrote a Mental Momentums section in the weekly newsletter. You can see one of the newsletters here. It had a quote, and I would add a few things to help bowlers think about the subject, to help their game. I had several come to me to say they liked the section and that it’s helping their game. Since I never had a great physical game, I now know that the mental game impacts why some athletes become winners and then become champions. Once I got the league online with its own website, I wrote a several articles on factors about the mental game which are on this website.
The last few seasons, I’ve seen bowlers and golfers self-destruct because of their mental game. As I began my book, I was thinking about all the mental game books I read. I wanted something that was different, where athletes who just wanted to have more fun and improve their scores, could do so. I wanted a book that any athlete could relate to me being another pretty good athlete. Most mental game books are written by a PhD and jumped from subject to subject. I made a list of factors years ago and have 345 in my book. I have never seen any book cover as many factors that are in my book. Obviously, not all factors will influence a match, but athletes should be aware of them. Only a few books are workbooks in trying to help you. Some books don’t use actual experiences to help your game. I also never have seen any book that takes you on a step-by-step approach to improve your mental game, using actual experiences and tips to gain more knowledge.
Planning, practice and keeping a logbook are just the start to improving. Dedication, Motivation and setting goals keep you on track. Pre-shot routine, post-shot evaluations and visualization must happen every time to be consistent. Achieving goals, challenges, experience and persistence will help your success. I just quickly went through ways to step up your game. My book gives you 31 days to work on your game to climb to a higher level while learning how to get to the zone. Athletes learn more from practice, watching and reading. Actual competition is where athletes learn adjusting techniques based on their sport and realize how important the mental game is. I give actual competition experience from bowling and golf, which can help other athletes in any sport.
Knowledge is power and is what separates champions from other athletes. Knowing what to try and when to try it, comes from experience. They are very few shortcuts for experience. My book can help you with a few shortcuts along the way. The one main factor that needs to happen from here on, is having fun, not quitting, putting mistakes behind you and keeping your head screwed on. Those athletes that love their sport, put in the work and show it while competing, are the ones getting into Hall of Fames.
I just felt it was time for a non-professional with championships in two different sports, to share knowledge and experience using the mental game. The mental game involves focusing on what you can control and for the shot or play that’s in front of you. Over thinking or over analyzing can get you into trouble. Trial and error is best for practice, but sometimes needs to be done in a match. Most athletes should be able to get to the zone before 31 days. Practice along with consistency is needed to be able to travel there. Practice helps with repeating great shots while consistency is focusing on hitting your attended target. You’ll have to put in some work to get to the zone. Developing a solid pre-shot routine that is dependable must happen to get zoned in. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my book and learning several things. Scoring better makes it more fun. Achieving success will make it real. Being in the zone, makes it real fun. See you in the zone.
NOTE: My accident before I started bowling limited my scoring abilities early in my career. Add the fact that there wasn’t huge prize funds on the PBA tour, I really had no desire to turn pro. Even though I wasn’t interested in turning pro, I tested the waters in a few regionals. My book isn’t about getting athletes to turn pro, it’s about mental toughness and being able to compete at higher levels. Once you climb a level, you can decide if you want to be a professional. I understand that not everyone will want to be a pro for various reasons. But competing at a higher level and having more fun is what my book is about. It’s also that in some sports, the better you are, there’s more opportunities to win money. If winning money and having fun isn’t you, maybe you should have stayed up there in Mars. In my book I have 58 actual situations which may help you on the journey to the zone. I’ve also included ten individuals that helped me win championships in both bowling and golf. These moments are highlighted from cover to cover in my book.
Mr. Stats recieving his Tucson Tribute and honor plaque from Roy Tietz w/ Paul Colwell.
Alan "Mr. Stats" Brizee, and now Mr. HOW TO, has shown why his Commitment to Excellence is second to none! Now that he's retired, he wants to share his knowledge of HOW TO have the mental game help you achieve more positive results and show he's willing to help others and tells you HOW TO to do GREAT things in your sport!
The Path to excellence started at the early age of 6 with little league baseball. During an accident, I lost 2 fingertips on his throwing hand that ended his baseball career. Tried golf but had to carry my clubs. I shot 160 for 9 holes. My mom said “You’re not quitting. You never give up.” I shot 130 the next day. At least I improved”!! My mom took me bowling and I stopped chasing balls at least for 10 years and it wasn’t long before I was shooting higher than my 9 hole golf scores. I then started my bowling career in the junior leagues. I won three All events titles over 5 years just before bowling with the adults, a singles title, a doubles title and a team title in the Tucson city junior tournaments. Not too bad for a bowler with a slight handicap. It was the start of bigger and better things for the sport I fell in love with.
I won the Tucson Bowling city doubles tournament in 1976. I was very good at putting when Putt Putt was open. In 1979, I won an Amateur Putting Association tournament with 24 under par for 54 holes. I was later elected league secretary for two seasons and was a tournament director before Iceland Bowl closed. I kept statistics that no other secretary ever did. This is where I got my nickname “Mr. Stats”. From 1999 to 2002 I finished in the top 20 season average twice in the Tucson Bowling Association. During 1988 to 1992 serving in the Army, I held one of the top two averages on the post I was serving at. I received the A.B.C. award of merit for the 1989-90 season while over in Germany. The Pirmasens Zeibrucken Bowling Association’s Bowler of the year was held April 1990, where I beat the other 11 “top” bowlers that season averaging 208 on a reverse blocked center for the win. I also won the 12 game Challenge tournament on July 4th, 1996, shooting 390 his final two games and averaging 223.4 for the day and won $500 for first place.
I was the secretary for the Miller Lite Traveling Masters league for over nine seasons. My last full season being secretary, organized the sweeper for the 24 teams having $8478 in prize money for the three games in 2004. I had a website for the league which won a national award after online for less than two months. It was the biggest website for any league in the U.S.A. I held an ABC record for the highest scores without an honor score having 297 and 799. Over 3 years later I shot my first of fifteen 300 games and later recorded an 807. I was the first to shoot a ‘Varapapa 300’ on a sport pattern shooting a TBA sport pattern record of 290 in 2003 at Camino Seco Bowl.
I am only one of several who holds perfection in two sports with 15 perfect 300 games in bowling and a hole in one in golf. The hole in one happened during the Memorial Day tournament in Las Vegas in 2009 on the first shot of the day. "I didn’t need a putter on my first hole". I was honored in 2011 for organizing one of the best scratch leagues in Tucson and for my achievements bowling by Tucson Tribute and Honor. My lifelong dream finally came true winning the Tucson Metro Senior Masters in 2014. I bowled in 26 USBC National tournaments and averaged over 190 for my first 25. In 2018, I won the FIG Golf Club Championship to become a 2 sport Champion. I went on to win my 2nd Club Championship two years later.
As always, See you in the Zone!
Message me, Alan Brizee Path to Excellence w/ Q's or comments. Thanks
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