Smart is as smart does! At least you're smart enough to come to my
GREAT HOW TO WEBSITE with a willingness to IMPROVE your MENTAL GAME!
AND NOW YOU HAVE IT, the road map to MY PATH. Learning the "Fun"da"Mental"s is why I achieved many GREAT results in my career. It's the main reason why getting to the ZONE matters. My HOW TO WEBSITE will help you decide HOW TO know how valualble my first HOW TO book is:
1. BOOK (Home Page) / My Top 10 / Photos / GREAT award winning website!
2. About my HOW TO book (My first HOW TO book) / Author
3. Testimonials / Inspirations / Dedications
4. From Excellence to Success (My 2nd HOW TO book) / Factors
5. M1 = Open your mind (Home) / Motivation required
6. M2 = Balancing life / Life's sports lessons / Go for the win! / Live bowling
7. M3 = Persistence spells title! / Magic weekend / Senior Masters
8. M4 = D.R.E.A.M. goals / Art of goal setting / 14 C's
9. M5 = Adjust for better scores! / Accept challenges / Failures aren't fatal
10. M6 = Use the stats Luke! / Positive attitude / Why worry?
11. M7 = Odds shooting 300 / What I want / Getting to the The Zone
12. M8 = Team needs goals too / No I in team / Team Chemistry
13. M9 = Mr. 900 / Have fun / What are the risks?
14. M10 = Eye on the Prize / I.I. Test / Don't get emotional
15. M11 = My In depth Mental library w/ Sections:
(Bowling, Golf, Other sports, Mental game, Motivation, Additional)
17. M13 = Stats Plus' Competitors Guide
18. M14 = Mr. Stats' Modern Bowling dictionary
19. M15 = Bowling Adjustments (Dedicated for bowlers buying
either of my HOW TO books. You'll make your
best educated guess with no 2nd guessing!)
Taught by Professor Stats and sponsored by Stats Plus:
20. C1 = College of Mental Toughness (Home) / Recipe for confidence
21. C2 = Confidence 101 - Class 1, Class 2
22. C3 = Confidence 101 - Class 3, Class 4
23. C4 = Confidence 101 - Class 5
Statistics and promotions by Stats Plus as the few have ever seen!
24. S1 = Stats Plus (Home)
25. S2 = Why promote? / Promotions to retain bowlers
26. S3 = Open letter to Friday night Cactus Men's League (2014-15) /
4 pages of downloadable Statistics for the Men's league
Possibly the Greatest league ever!
27. Tm1 = Vantage Lite Traveling Masters League (Home)
Traveling Masters is life / A Traveling Master is ...
28. Tm2 = Best league article / Top 10 list (not your avg.) / Articles and stats
29. Tm3 = Traveling Masters history
30. Tm4 = Masters Hall of Fame / Who's who?
31. Tm5 = Seasons' top scores /
Career All-time Masters avgs ( Top 113 for past members.) /
32. Message Alan (Mr. Stats) / My accredited Accomplishments
33. Site Map - This is the webpage YOU'RE CURRENTLY ON!
New articles on my HOW TO website / Learn about ... /
12/13/24 Upcoming articles:
I.I. Test, Human element and Confidence 101 class #6.
9/22/24 HOW TO balance sports and life as you get older?
Watch your health. Your health will keep you young and competitive!
9/22/24 HOW TO make the magic continue?
It was magical! Ways to make sports even more magical!
9/22/24 HOW TO go for the win?
Work to get the win. Prepare then execute your plan!
9/24/24 HOW TO have C's elevate your game?
These C's will help. Intergrate these C's for a better mental game!
9/26/24 HOW TO give feedback on comments?
I had to reply to the replies on my comments for Senior Masters.
10/4/24 HOW TO understand why these factors can earn more wins?
I had to give details on these 40 as a start to improve your game.
11/22/24 HOW TO know that getting to the Zone matters?
It will matter on those MUST HAVE shots or games!
11/26/24 HOW TO Love life as a bowler?
Embrace competing so GREAT results can happen!
12/2/24 HOW TO continue your stay in the Zone?
Learn the "fun"da"Mental"s to have a GREAT Mental game!
12/7/24 HOW TO consistently see GREAT events happen?
Keep your Eye on the Prize!
My business card to help others who want to reach their potentinal!
Who helped out with my book?
Who has made a Commitment to Excellence?
Who has made a difference during my lifetime?
Who loves to help others chasing thier dreams?
Who are the real competitors?
Who are real friends when you need them?
A lot of Who's that I'm glad to have crossed paths with!
This index is for honoring these 29 Who's, who have impacted my life enough that I wanted to give them even more credit. These Who's appear somewhere in my HUGE extensive HOW TO website on a few select pages. These incredible people are listed in alphabetic order by first names.
It was these 29 Who's, who stood up to be counted 😊. Thank you so much!
Dr. Steve Watson = _ I _ T _ dict
Mr. Stats = _ _ _ _ _ dict _ TTH _ Comp = Gambler
Andrew Cain = _ _ _ _ D/S dict _ _ C101 Comp = Coach
Andy Varipapa = _ _ _ _ _ dict
Beth Haggerty = _ _ _ T _ dict
Bill B = A _ _ _ _ _
Bob O = _ _ _ T _ dict
Bobby Saavedra = _ _ D _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp = Coach
Bruce Clayton = _ _ D _ _ dict.
Colin Gileayt = _ _ D _ _ dict.
Curtis Turley = _ _ _ _ _ dict.
Dewey Yoho = _ _ D _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp = Hustler
Donovan Hemway = _ _ D _ _ dict.
Dwight Burns = _ _ D _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp =Shot maker
Earl Anthony = _ _ _ _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp = Pro bowler
Joe Fioreni = _ _ D _ _ dict
Joey Burke = _ _ D _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp= House mouse
John V Cook = _ _ D T _ dict _ _ _ Comp= Gambler
Ken Hosp = _ _ _ _ D/S dict _ _ _ Comp= Backupper
Laura Beahring = _ _ D T _ dict _ _ _ Comp= Coach
Len Nicholson = _ I _ T _ dict Lib TTH _ Comp= Storyteller
Mark Roth = _ _ D _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp= Pro bowler
Mike Land = _ _ D T _ dict _ _ _ Comp= Thinker (Mike 1)
Mike Seitz = _ _ _ _ _ dict (Mike 2)
Mom = _ I _ _ D/S dict
Norm Duke = _ _ D _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp= Pro bowler
Phil Mikelson = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C101
Roy Tietz = _ _ D _ _ dict _ TTH
Scott Washburn = A _ D T _ dict _ _ _ Comp= Zoner
Steve Dekker = _ _ D _ _ dict _ _ _ Comp= Visionary
NOTE: The Golf Stop appears in Confidence 101 in class 2.
Here's the legend that list the webpages where these GREAT Who's can be found on my HOW TO website and a link to those in my Stats Plus Competitor's Guide.
A = About page dict = dictionary
I = Inspiration Lib = Library
D = Dedication TTH = Tucson Tribute & Honor
T= Testimonial C101 = Confidence 101
D/S = Dedication in my Success book Comp = Competitor's guide
The name after Comp, are who they are in the Stats Plus Competitor’s guide.
For these who's and others that appear on my website, thanks for making it mostly fun, real and at times real fun! Mr. Stats just showing you, more HAVE FUN moments.
Hall of Famer Norm Duke who won the
Grand Slam of bowling before helping
others, including me.
BVL provides recreational and therapeutic programs and services to brighten the days of America's active duty and veteran service men and women. I'm a veteran and now retired, I wanted to help other Vets enjoy the sport I love. With the purchase of my book, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to BVL. You' too can helping those who served our country enjoy what most athletes will take for granted. The veterans thank you.
The phantom helps bring back the past with his guests and his trivia contest. The weekly podcast highlights many aspects of yesteryear and even a few current events. Over 1100 shows and over 400 guests in the 18 years on the air. Dick Weber was his first guest, and it took off to the moon from there. I have been a guest on his podcast a couple of times. Click here for my two podcasts are on the about page.
So far, the path to publishing my first book from several articles I wrote years ago, has been an eye opener. A few small potholes along the way to the printing stage, didn't change the publishing date. My dream to to give back to athletes has now become a reality. Dorrance Publishing now has published my book to even the playing field for all athletes to gain knowledge to compete at a higher level. The $14 price is a steal of a deal. Take your game to a higher level!
This facebook page has over 100 photos from the 50's to the 80's and it's not all bowlers. A great collection to look through. He also has links to you tube videos to back up all the great photos.
This page has some great photos when bowling was having only one ball.
After Cactus Bowl (Photo on left.), a 60 lanes center when the pros came to Tucson, closed in 2014 with 32 lanes, Golden Pin Lanes with 48 lanes, closed in 2018 and also hosted the pros. The Arizona Daily Star had a tribute article for them. With all the incredible memories, I had to link to them.
Organizes Military and Senior tournaments year round.
Big buck bowling for amateurs. Divisions for all bowlers for that pot of gold!
NOTE: Joey Pirani of the Huntsville All Star League (Alabama), created an award for bowling websites and I was given the award in May 1999. He changed the link after I got this website going. Due to him possibly removing some great links for bowling, I have honored his awards here. I have only listed months that an award was awarded and the website is still active after over 14 years. Many of the links have been broken, pages not available, websites up for sale and have been sold.
With the plethora of bowling sites appearing and the many requests for links, I decided to "award" the better ones. Here are my rules:
Site of the Month w/ Date of Award & Honoree:
(If month isn't listed, no award was given.)
Nov Plamor Lanes Coldwater, OH
Dec Djrickysmith's Youtube site
Nov Bowling Tracker
Oct Bowling Digital
Sep Bowling Boards
Jan Bowling Video Youtube site
Nov PBA Tour Memorable Moments on Video
Oct Southern Scratch Junior Bowling Association
Sep Fantasy Bowling
Aug Walter
May Pot Bowling Around the World
Apr Dayton Bowler
Mar Rob's Home of Tenpin Bowling
Jan Bowl-Tech
Oct Roadside Peek: Bowling Alleys
May How Bowling Pinsetters Work
No site active.
Dec Florida Space Coast Bowling Association
Aug California Youth Bowling Online
Mar National Women Bowling Writers
Feb International Bowling Hall of Fame & Museum
Dec Professional Women's Bowling Association
Oct Plamor Lanes Coldwater, OH
Oct Memphis Bowling Association
Jun The Bohn Zone
May Vantage-Lite Traveling Masters League
Apr Bowling Headquarters new site!
Mar Senior All Star Bowling Assoc.
Dec Nation's Capital Area B.A.
Aug Hoinke Classic
Jul High Roller
Mar Bowlers Journal International
This recap SHOULD INSPIRE other athletes to take advantage of the GREAT iINFORMATION that's on my HOW TO wesite so they can make their own noise with GREAT RESULTS!
Not all athletes who are on my HOW TO website will compete for titles for various reasons. Some will want to Elevate their game to help their team. Some may compete to get exercise and decide they want to win a few more matches to have more fun. Some may be seniors who compete and want to pay back a few trash talkers. And of course, some bowlers may want better results to help their team place higher for more cash
and possibly win the league championship.
For whatever reason, I'm glad you came to see HOW TO acquire more Knowledge to be more competitive. What I'm selling is information to become a better athlete! The info on my HOW TO website is of course FREE. I discounted the price to improve 😊! With
my HOW TO books, the price to a GREAT MENTAL GAME is less than lessond from a qualified coach. No other author will give GREAT advice for next to nothing! What's on my
HOW TO website has quick fixes, an in-depth strategy for setting goals, motivation because some will need it, team artcles and my exclusive excellent college course for obtaining Confidence! The site has changed several times and now has new mental
articles including why you want to compete in the Zone!!
My HOW TO website should show you HOW TO improve your mental game with several quick fixes from several of my mental game articles. When looking through my HOW TO website and seeing how many mental game articles I have, should show that I want to inspire athletes acquire their goals while having FUN competing! When you finally decide that you need more help, my first HOW TO book, The Path to Excellence will tell you HOW TO avoid the potholes. My question to you is, how much are you willing to spend to reclaim the fun when competing? My HOW TO book is more cost effective than actual lessons and you'll learn HOW TO acquire a GREAT mental game on your 31 day journey to the ZONE!
HOW TO see improvement isn't usually going to happen overnight. HOW TO improve could possibly happen by next week. HOW TO improve CAN ONLY HAPPEN when YOU DECIDE that you want to ELEVATE YOUR GAME, learn the "Fun"da"Mental"s and Compete with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE! I will teach you HOW TO take small steps in my first HOW TO book to start your own Path to Excellence on your quest to do GREAT THINGS and compete in a place called the ZONE! Having a HUGE HOW TO website that has a little bit of everything except the kitchen sink😊 should show that I want to help and inspire athletes to have more enjoyable moments when competing!
My HOW TO website should inspire you to raise expectations and want to compete for titles!
This outline shows that you'll learn the "Fun"da"Mental"s to compete having FUN while having a GREAT mental game and why IT MATTERS:
The FIRST STEP toward making it happen, is accepting that you want to see better results
and you're willing to put in the time to SO IT CAN HAPPEN.
HOW TO see that Determination, Knowledge, a Routine, Goals and making a
Schedule will give you the discipline to write something down will show
your Commitment.
The SECOND STEP toward repeating GREAT shots can only happen when you consistently
throw good shots and continue to Practice while working to improve your
mental game. Your physical game MUST be ready to compete.
HOW TO throw just good shots comes from having a good mental game and
knowing the "Fun"da"Mental"s and FOCUSING on what matters! Writing in
your Journal will help gain knowledge for future events.
The THIRD STEP toward ELEVATING YOUR GAME will happen when you're Awareness will
reduce pressure on those MUST HAVE plays and shots.
HOW TO get an Attitude Adjustment so you can FOCUS to make correct
Adjustments happen. Your decisions will impact the results.
The FOURTH STEP toward GETTING TO THE ZONE, is knowing why many of the 345 factors
can undermine a GREAT mental game where you'll soon be in a slump.
HOW TO know that Enthusiasm can eliminate most Distractions which lead to
the BIGGEST factor of the mental game, Confidence.
These four steps should show WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW the Knowledge in my first HOW TO book. After finishing that book, I felt that athletes needed additional knowledge after getting to the Zone. That is why I wrote my second HOW TO book, so they would achieve SUCCESS and claim Championships!
The FINAL STEP toward becoming SUCCESSFUL starts with your knowledge to avoid
disaster. Having a GREAT mental game keeps you FOCUSED on your
career goals and winning a championship!
HOW TO find what road to take is more than half the battle. I have 12 side
streets that teach you the knowledge to acquire SUCCESS!
If I got you thinking about keeping an open mind, I DID MY JOB. The mental game isn't rocket science, but you need to understand, HOW TO get your mental game out of the gutter! 😊(This is for all the bowlers out there, since I'm a bowler.) HOW TO have fun should be etched in your mind. If it's not fun, why do you continue to compete when you get frustrated after several close losses? Having fun MUST happen when getting to the Zone! Not having any fun? Being stressed out isn't the answer as decisions may be rushed not clearly thought out completely. I want you to avoid much of the frustration I went through before many athletes knew how valuable the mental game determined who would win sporting events. And some of this knowledge is on my HOW TO website!
HOW TO show athletes that competition should balance FUN and FOCUS! I've included many articles that FOCUS on the mental game. I've injected FUN in a few small articles that are listed below for your enjoyment!
HOW TO do things differently is obviously on my HOW TO website:
HOW TO find other good books is in my mental library.
HOW TO know the competition and HOW TO beat them at their own game.
HOW TO guesstimate when your next 300 game is coming!
HOW TO have MORE FUN and live to tell others!
HOW TO realize competing is about taking Risks!
HOW TO honor some Sensational bowlers because they made a difference!
HOW TO "talk" fluent bowling with my Modern Bowling Dictionary!
HOW TO honor some GREAT people with my Who's Who list!
HOW TO honor a teammate who is an inspiration to bowl with!
HOW TO promote you league to create more interest!
HOW TO tell others of the GREATEST league that now maybe forgotten!
HOW TO show some GREAT websites with GREAT info!
HOW TO show some GREAT pics from the museum!
HOW TO honor my winning the All-Star Bowling site of the Month!
NOTE: I had to put enough info on my site so you would know how serious I am about what the mental game meant to me and what it should mean to all athletes. It's the mental game that enabled me to do some GREAT things, mostly in bowling. Knowledge and your experiences will show others WHO YOU ARE. My accomplishments page is a little long for good reasons. Experiences create confidence when more good results happen over time. The challenges I faced along with bowling pot games, showed I had potential. I've turned those moments into making good money in tournaments and winning aneagle in the Tucson Senior Masters. Since competing at a higher level, I know athletes can get mentally drained, so I also added some history and some humorious articles, as athletes need to have fun too. Thanks for stopping by. I hope my huge HOW TO website woke you up as to why you NEED A GREAT MANTAL GAME to fill your shelves with hardware! If it helped, you'll still have to work a little to keep GREAT results to continue in competition. My HUGE HOW TO website is one of the biggest private sports mental game websites that includes bowling, so any athlete can learn and improve their game!
Questions or comments? Message Alan "Mr. Stats" Brizee - Path to Excellence
My HOW TO website has info to help achieve your goals because of having a GREAT mental game!
Copyright © 2020-2025 The Path to Excellence - All Rights Reserved.