Practice and more PRACTICE!
There's no better time than now to build your confidence. To gain confidence, you need to have a good physical game. The physical game must be dependable enough to repeat good shots. It is the ability to repeat good shots that should eventually mutate into repeating GREAT shots! Confidence is believing you'll be able to consistently throw GREAT shots to see positive results. Repeating any shot comes from practice and more practice.
If athletes don't practice, repeating good shots are not as easy. To repeat shots, concentration is required. When you add a MUST HAVE shot, losing concentration could happen.
Today's athletes want instant results. But confidence can't be rushed. You build confidence from defeating better players and learning from the experiences. Confidence cures concentrating competitors.
Have a regular ROUTINE every time you compete!
Confidence is not something you learn by reading. It can only happen over time. Confidence MUST be earned. because it will involve both your physical and mental games to work together.
This can only happen through your experiences. It should happen with a good mental game. Your confidence will be highest with a GREAT MENTAL GAME! A GREAT mental game works best when you have a consistent routine. Pre-match, pre-shot, post-shot and post-match routines help reduce the pressure of a MUST HAVE shot!
Even with a made-up mind, misfortunes will happen, and your confidence takes a hit. Remember, it's not the end of the world. Good athletes put negative matches behind them to focus on the next match. There's much to learn to start building your confidence in the beginning. It's time to Commit to Excellence!
Because CHAMPIONS consistenly rise to the top!
You think you're mentally tough but lack a little confidence? Some of your reading this, could be! Champions believe in their ability to win. You want to be as good as you can be, but you MUST start somewhere. You've heard it hundreds of times; to be the best, you got to beat the best! To be a better athlete, you have to beat better athletes. To rise to the top, confidence, a consistent routine and having fun is required!
It's time to be tested to the max. Don't call your friends for answers, there will be no cheating allowed. This is the mighty Mental fitness I.Q. test for you entrance application to the College of Mental Toughness for the Confidence 101 class.
By doing that four-letter word, WORK!
You can't keep waiting to work on your mental game. Start working on your new mental game by answering these 20 questions. Answers have points ranging from 1 to 5. You should answer all questions to give you a better understanding of where your mental game is at. Take the test before beginning new mental workouts. Retest in 31 days, after reading my first book, The Path to Excellence, to show how your point totals go through the roof and shoot for the moon.
And to think that you would never take a mental test, but yet, here you are taking an enterance exam on a subject that all athletes need and will be using to compete for championships!
Time to be tested
By Alan Brizee (c) 2000 Author of The Path to Excellence and
From Excellence to Success
This mental game test is in my first HOW TO book, The Path to Excellence.
This test is to get you thinking about what you do while competing and if a few changes may be needed. It's also about FOCUS and your ability to finish what you start! If you're reading this, you may realize how important the mental game is. Building your confidence is easy, when you start seeing several events have better finishes. You may have noticed I changed the opening segment, so it has more impact if still thinking on improving your game.
You have 5 minutes each per half to finish the test and not one second longer 😊.
1. Goals - Setting both long- and short-term goals for motivation.
1 pt = What's a goal?
2 pts= I don't have the time.
3 pts= I set a goal for the season.
4 pts= I set goals once in a while.
5 pts= I set a new goal after I accomplish one. Points = ____
2. Practice - Work on physical game weaknesses and to be physical ready.
1 pt = It won't help me.
2 pts= I don't have the time.
3 pts= Practice 2 or 3 times each season.
4 pts= Practice every other month.
5 pts= Practice at least every other week. Points = ____
3. Time - Allowing time to stretch and be mentally ready before match.
1 pt = Arrive just before the match.
2 pts= Arrive during practice.
3 pts= Arrive just when practice starts.
4 pts= Usually show up early to practice.
5 pts= Always early to get mentally prepared. Points = ____
4. Attitude - Expect positive results one shot at a time.
1 pt = More negative than positive.
2 pts= Positive once in a while.
3 pts= Positive only during positive outcomes.
4 pts= Positive during some negative.outcomes.
5 pts= Always positive, no matter what happens. Points = ____
5. Concentration - Focus for the five seconds needed for great shots.
1 pt = What do I focus on?
2 pts= I lose my focus easily.
3 pts= Focus about half the time.
4 pts= Focus 75% of the time.
5 pts= Focus 98% of the time. Points = ____
6. Confidence - Your ability to make good shots in pressure situations.
1 pt = I get real nervous before a match.
2 pts= I have won a few matches.
3 pts= I have won several matches.
4 pts= I have won a local top amatuer title.
5 pts= Won a professional title. Points = ____
7. Adjusting - Ability to fine tune your game between shots.
1 pt = Not comfortable making adjustments.
2 pts= Not sure an adjustment is needed.
3 pts= Adjust only after bad breaks.
4 pts= Some confidence with adjusting.
5 pts= Adjusting is my middle name. Points = ____
8. Pressure - Ability to relax when it matters the most.
1 pt = Put too much pressure on me.
2 pts= I handled it once or twice.
3 pts= Thrown good shots every now & then.
4 pts= It motivates me & helps focus.
5 pts= It is just another shot. Points = ____
9. Awareness - Avoiding negative thoughts and eliminating distractions.
1 pt = I feel sick from the negatives I faced.
2 pts= Hard to think with all the distractions.
3 pts= Some situations still bother me.
4 pts= Most situations don't bother me.
5 pts= Nothing bothers me. Points = ____
10. Intimidation - Realization that opponents play mind games.
1 pt = Opponents mess with me all the time.
2 pts= Half the time I get thrown off my game.
3 pts= A few times I was thrown off my game.
4 pts= I rarely get thrown off my game.
5 pts= I'm intimidating them with great shots. Points = ____
SUBTOTAL for 1st 10 Q's = _____
This test will show you areas of your mental game that could be improved!
Confidence Consistently Creates CHAMPIONS!
This half time show is brought to you by Prof. Stats
and sponsored by Stats Plus!
Is there a Recipe for confidence? What do you think?
Since some of you may be bored because you want to get going to have a better game, it's time to take a break. I just answered a question with a question. Recipe is by Webster's definition, not my NEW WORLD Bowling Dictionary's definition, it's a way to achieve something! Now the qustion is, what do you want to achieve? Not everyone will be able to say a world championship. It will depend on your age and whether you're just starting a sports career. Early in my sports career, it was to just have fun and take home a few awards. Now I just want to continue to have fun and shoot some GREAT scores every now and then. As a super senior, my confidence has helped my team win league championships! So, you know there is a recipe, I've included it!
My recipe now is:
1. Start with getting a quality night's sleep.
2. Add getting to the event early to check equipment and
beat the heavy traffic in case something happens, so you don't
feel rushed to compete.
3. Change the line-ups if needed.
4. Now I throw in having FUN when competition starts.
5. Anylysis results of my last shot.
6. Make correct adjustments when required.
7. Give tips to teammates as needed. And FINALLY
8. Live with the results on the way home or back to the hotel
if bowling a tournament, so you can learn from these experiences!
On a good night which happens on average of two out of three times,
I'll turn the volumn up listening to GREAT tunes on the way home!
On the right is my scrapbook and I have some pics for what's inside.
Many GREAT memories and it shows how the mental game
has helped me achieve ALL THE GOALS I SET!
11. Pacing yourself - Keeping emotions even & not draining energy.
1 pt = I never get excited
2 pts= I show no emotion during the match
3 pts= Fist pumps all round is my usual routine
4 pts= I run shots out to keep it fun
5 pts= I show emotion to keep me energized Points = ____
12. Preparation - Dress for success and arive early for practice.
1 pt = I just show up.
2 pts= I show up to get equipment ready.
3 pts= Get mentally set after I show up.
4 pts= Get mentally set on way to the match.
5 pts= I show emotion to keep me energized. Points = ____
13. Pre-shot - Routine to keep you relaxed and focused for the shot.
1 pt = What's a routine?
2 pts= Had a routine that didn't help.
3 pts= Forget routine when playing poorly.
4 pts= Use routine on most shots.
5 pts= Use routine on all shots. Points = ____
14. Post-shot - Evaluate & determine adjustments when needed.
1 pt = What did happen?
2 pts= Is that what happened?
3 pts= Time for a tweak.
4 pts= I know why it happened.
5 pts= Threw a great shot, I'll throw one more. Points = ____
15. Conditions - Variables that can effect your sport.
1 pt = There are variables that can affect me?
2 pts= Playing in the wind sucks.
3 pts= Could you turn on the A.C.
4 pts= Only focused under some conditions.
5 pts= This is not my first rodeo. Points = ____
16. Different shots - Having different shots or strategies, using your B game.
1 pt = I never heard about a "B" game.
2 pts= Slowing my timing gives me options.
3 pts= Speeding up timing give me 3 options.
4 pts= Giving it spin could work for 4 options.
5 pts= Revolutions gives endless options. Points = ____
17. Offensive - Go for it all & grind it out during dificult conditions.
1 pt = I didn't know golf had offense.
2 pts= I never go for broke.
3 pts= Went for it once or twice.
4 pts= Went for it several times in the match.
5 pts= Experience dictates decisions. Points = ____
18. Equipment - Using good equipment that is up to date.
1 pt = Equipment I use was great 20 years ago.
2 pts= My 5 year old equipment works.
3 pts= You have to take care of equipment?
4 pts= I cleaned it two months ago.
5 pts= I check and clean it after each use. Points = ____
19. Financial - Managing money so you won't worry about paying bills.
1 pt = Forgot about the $300 hotel room.
2 pts= I donated $200 in this tournament.
3 pts= $100 in side action and now I'm broke.
4 pts= A $50 match, so I don't go broke.
5 pts= I'll use winnings from my last match. Points = ____
20. Temper - able to not let little things bother me.
1 pt = Threw golf club in lake
2 pts= Broke golf club over caddie's head
3 pts= Bent club by tossing it on the ground
4 pts= Kick things once in awhile
5 pts= Never ever lost my temper Points = ____
SUBTOTAL for 2nd 10 Q's = _____
Improvement can only start after you realize you want to see better performances!
Remember this test is just for fun. It is geared to get you thinking more about what level your mental game is at. Your score will only indicate about what level your mental game is at. Very few will score above 95. A score below 95 means that practice, working on your mental game and experience during competition should be your future plan to succeed.
Should you score less than 10 points, it's time to punt and buy my HOW TO book to start seeing better results!
97-100. Congratulations on your sky high score! Everyone says you’re the G.O.A.T.
(Greatest of all time) and your test score proves that! You know all the side
streets to the zone and how to avoid dead end streets. You even know the
zone’s zip code so your GPS will take you there in a flash!
80-96. Your experience puts you in the top 10% of athletes. Post match evaluations
should reveal the few areas of your game that need work. This is where over
Half of those in the Hall of Fame are. You're close to showing your full potential.
65-79. It’s just a matter of time after working on your mental game that titles and
championships will come your way. Work on your confidence by taking the
50-64 points. You’re above average which is good, but to be great you have more work
ahead of you. Show others that a little work makes competing more fun as
scoring higher has its rewards.
30-49 points. You show potential and your dedication will be rewarded as you work on
areas that need help. Nobody said sports would be easy. Putting in some work
will show improvements shortly.
0-29 points. Don’t give up your day job. Thank God you’re willing to improve and
motivated enough to put the work in.
If you read my first book, The Path to Excellence, after 31 days you should see dramatic improvement in your mental game. If your goal was to score above 64, it shows dedication and your wiliness not to be just kicked around in your sport. Scoring 65 or better will get people to notice your improvement.
I scored in the 90’s. Remember, I wrote the test and have seen a mental coach. But whatever you score, it’s about having fun while you’re competing and learning about you and the sport you compete in.
Scoring in the 80’s or above means you know what the mental game is about, but there’s always room for improvement.
NOTE: There are no wrong answers. What's so GREAT is that YOU PASSED. Time for building your confidence! Had this been an actual test, several of you may not have passed. It should show the areas you need improvement in. The future is yours. Have FUN on your adventure! Don't forget to read my article on this webpage that's just below, Recipe for confidence, before beginning your first class.
See you in the zone! - Prof. Stats
Remember that this is only a test and an indicator of your mental toughness!
As a 2-sport amateur champion, my mission is to promote mental toughness through education on my HOW TO website and my HOW TO books. I believe that any athlete should learn why the brain is the most important muscle and understand how pressure during competition can be significantly reduced, so that they can compete in the Zone. The NEW "Fun"da"Mental"s will help all athletes. I'm all in for putting Fun into your your Mental game, so you can start to Elevate your game and acomplish the many goals you'll set in your search for SUCCESS!!
Confidence comes from a consistent mental game! So, do you have confidence?
Do you plan on being lucky? some say they would rather be lucky than good. I'd
like to be both good and lucky! Well, maybe I can help show you the way to be both!
Recipe for confidence.
By Alan Brizee (c) 2020 Author of The Path to Excellence and From Excellence to Success
This is a quick reading assignment before you start the Confidence 101 online course!
There are 27 ingredients or factors in my recipe for confidence. This recipe is for athletes who are bowlers, but maybe not so obvious, could be used for any sport. I’ll try to equate it for any athlete, but some explanations and examples will be bowling related. This will complement my book, The Path to Excellence, 31 Days to the Zone. My HOW TO book goes into some details, but of the 345 factors that affect the mental game, there could be a book for each factor. This recipe is to help that bought my book and understand certain factors better as I’ve went into more detail in this article. Champions in any sport are confident athletes that are competitive. Confidence isn’t just for professionals. Amateurs can possess confidence while lacking a few skills to compete at the professional level. Experience plays a huge part as each event you participate in is another session to learn more about yourself and your sport. Experience is normally what separates pros from amateurs. The varied conditions, pressure and knowledge are the three biggest factors for the separation. Those of you that golf, know that the pros play on a course that is normally in great shape. Very few bad lies in the fairway, enough sand in the bunkers and the greens are faster. Very few city courses compare to what the pros compete on. The pro tennis players compete on grass, concrete and clay with each condition affecting the tennis ball a little different. I’ve played on concrete, so playing on grass and clay would be just a guess as what adjustment would be needed.
These 27 are listed in order with the next factor building on the total combination of all the previous factors. Once you have experienced and applied the entire group of 27 factors, your confidence level should have been raised at least one level. So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to read each factor and analyze how it can make your game better. You’ll not only be doing homework, but for a change of pace for those of you that know me, you’ll be tested at the end, and you will get a passing grade. The passing grade isn’t for knowing me, it’s for putting up with me for your thirst to become a better athlete.
All this knowledge on being confident is what the pros experience each and every week when competing. Some of this very helpful info, you’ll already know about. There may be a few things you’ll learn and use after reading the entire article. Some parts will include tips to help you think about certain factors, so when you need to roll another great shot, you’ll step up and deliver it. After all is said and done, and when you’re asked if you thought it was possible, you’ll respond by saying, “I’ve worked on my game, and anything is possible.
If the door to victory isn’t locked, this was my time to open the door and walk through.”
No matter how high your confidence is, positive events won’t happen every time. But with confidence, you’ll throw another great shot as you’ve done so many times in the past. With confidence, you’ll won’t hesitate to handle any situation. You’ll already know if any adjustments are needed, you’ll step up with in a relaxed state of mind, knowing that around 90% of these situations will be positive experiences. More positive experiences make it more fun and the reason to continue on your adventure for more great accomplishments. If you truly love your sport, you’ll want to improve to get the most enjoyment from competing in leagues as well as tournaments.
Confidence can’t be bought in a bottle. It won’t happen overnight, and it will take some work. Some of the work will cost money and of course, work takes time. Each factor has some detail as to why it’s needed to help your confidence. The more knowledgeable you are about these factors, the easier it is to excel. Once the excellence bug bites you, your confidence level should be fairly high. After getting the info on all these factors, your confidence level should be in the clouds J. And it should be at this time where success starts to happen. I’ve have said over one thousand times, success makes it fun. Success from your confidence, should help in cashing more weeks in brackets, when bowling league. Reality check. If you have had some success and your confidence level is at 2/3rds full because your scores are lower than normal, I’ll tell you where to get back some of your confidence later in this course.
And yes, there are several other ways to top off your confidence starting with the first ingredient:
1. Practice 2. Equipment 3. Positive attitude
7. Excercise
After you finish all 27 sections, you can print up your diploma, to show you endured my writing skills and finished a mental game seminar.
Norm Duke won the Grand Slam due to his confidence and has won 40 titles!
This is a preview of what's coming. With confidence, you may win awards like the ones on the left. Setting goals and dreaming is why you need confidence.
Confidence helps you set goals.
Confidence to dream even bigger than before!
Confidence to go after your goals!
Confidence in your ability to accomplish your goals!
Confidence to show others, HOW YOU ARE!
Let's Do it. Do it. Do it! The awards you see helped my Confidence to finally win a major title and the eagle! With confidence, awards could very well take over a room!
Noticed I repeated DO IT, three times? In bowling you'll usually bowl three games, so I represented three times to show others what kind of game you'll bring each and every game you'll compete! I also wanted to inject some motivation, before a long segment of going after your goals 😊.
Your confidence should help you accomplish several of your goals. The work you put into your mental game will show others why they should also put more work into their mental game! Don't forget to keep up on your physical game, as your physical game is your foundation for your sport!
Don't tell anyone what can be done. Of course it can't be done, if you don't try. Offering advice to someone other than a teammate during a match, can do more harm than good. Even offering a little help can take your focus away from what NEEDS TO BE DONE! This is about keeping your head in the game, so your chances of winning are better. So, if you're now ready to DREAM, let's get right to it,
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